Building my phase 2 project

Neil Chen
1 min readJun 14, 2021

Time really has run out quite quickly and before I knew it, it’s time to build the phase 2 project on React.

To be honest I find this second phase challenging because I was trying out quite a lot of different resources to help me understand the concepts better. I understand there are some things that I needed to absolutely know in Javascript before I can get a good understanding of React, and I have since spent quite a bit some time refreshing the topics on that, which didn’t leave me too much time to fully grasp React. I think I am on a good track though I now have the necessary resources to help me, but still time is not in my favour given my work has been quite busy and me trying to squeeze some time in to learn at the end of every day, but I hope I am getting there…

As with the phase 1 project, I had relied on a lot of help from the internet to get me going on this phase 2 project. I think as I was building out this project, I was learning quite a bit on the go the various concepts, how to get stuff to work etc. Hopefully from now on I will be on track to fully catch up!

